Jung & Associates
Jung & Associates
Your Sales and Service Performance Enhancement Partner
Trinity Sales and Service Philosophy Overview
Trinity is a “needs” based sales and service philosophy that takes a holistic view of the client relationship development process. At its center is the belief that the highest level of customer service you can provide to your clients is to proactively meet or exceed their financial expectations. The core of its success is the blending of the 3 key components of a successful and sales and service culture. Each one of the components is critical but when synergized they create a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace.
1. Sales and Service Education
Education is the first component that must be in place for a successful sales and service culture to grow. One cannot assume that the associate knows or understands what is expected in regard to the company’s expectations. It is critical that these expectations not be only verbalized but they must be demonstrated and practiced. Often the associate becomes frustrated and unproductive because they are given goals and objectives without guidance or education on how they are to be accomplished. Key areas that the education program must address are:
- Sales Steps Standards,
- Revenue Collection,
- Coaching Standards,
- Service Standards.
2. Leadership and Measurement
Leadership and measurement is where “the rubber meets the road.” It is here that sales goals and sales activity goals are developed, communicated, tracked, and coached. Coaching is integral as it keeps the leadership team engaged in the process while building the aura of ownership for overall results within each office. The focus here is to answer the question, how much, by when, by whom and for each associate to clearly understand their responsibility.
It is critical to note that often the focus is put solely on sales results without diligently reviewing sales activities. Successful sales and service organizations make the presumption is that if an associate is diligent in quality sales activities, then sales of products and services will have a greater probability of success and client satisfaction will be maximized.
3. Reward and Recognition
A key component of any sales and service function is the reward and recognition element for successfully exceeding sales and service expectations. There are many forms of reward and recognition and you must find one that fits your organization. A key factor to consider is percentage of total compensation. If the organization is serious about building a sustaining sales and service culture then it must be reflected in the compensation package.
The same holds true for recognition. A strong recognition program must take into consideration a team aspect in addition to supporting other organizational lines of business that are delivered in the branch office. In summary, building a successful sales and service culture does not happen immediately. However, therein lays the competitive advantage. No organization that is looking to start this journey can say, “Tomorrow we are going to be great at sales and service.” They may be able to start the process but they certainly will not be proficient. The sooner your organization focuses on this effort as a strategy to win in the marketplace then the sooner your competitors will be playing catch-up.