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1. Organizational Structure Review

  1. Consumer Banking - Based on the strategic intent of the organization, we develop an organizational structure for your consumer banking functions that aligns with your vision. The two general philosophies on organizational structure are line of business alignment and regional alignment. In either case, the goal needs to be to keep decision making as close to the customer as possible and eliminate needless layers of bureaucracy.

  2. Small Business Banking - Based on the strategic intent of the organization, we develop an organizational structure for the small business banking functions that aligns with your vision. Areas reviewed are similar to the areas reviewed in the consumer analysis. Much of what is learned through the consumer banking review is transferable to small business banking.

2. Branch Administration (Operations) Review

  1. Organizational Structure - Based on the strategic intent of the organization, we develop an organizational structure for the branch administration function that aligns with your stated goals. The result is to have a team that keeps any issues or problems small in nature and is viewed by the branches as a partner rather than an extension of the audit function.
  2. Branch Operations Training - Based on how Branch Administration area is organized, we determine the optimal operations training approach for all branch associates.

3. Fee Income Maximization Analysis

  1. Product and Services Review – The bank’s existing products and services are reviewed and compared against a defined set of competitors. A GAP analysis is completed to understand where there may be opportunities to introduce new products and services or modify the existing product and services suite.
  2. Pricing Review – The product suite is reviewed for pricing opportunities. Identified opportunities are reviewed and communications plan developed to implement the approved changes.
  3. Fee Income Waive Analysis – Paramount to any fee increase is the review of existing fees that are waived. Waived fees are identified and standards are reviewed and modified to create a “Best Practices” environment for fee income collection.

4. Delivery Channel Management

  1. Call Center (Inbound and Outbound) - The existing call center is reviewed. In some cases it may not be a formal call center, but a centralized customer service group. The focus of the review is to determine how it interacts with the branch network and enhances the customer experience. This is not an analysis as to whether a call center is warranted but rather how the existing customer service functions integrate.
  2. Self Service - Self service capabilities are reviewed in much the same way as the call center. Self service devices may include ATMs and kiosks, as well as cash recyclers. The ability to secure the branch’s cash in these devices will allow for greater efficiency as branch associates will have substantially fewer dual control issues.
  3. Website – The focus of this review is to determine your website strategic intent and to align the intent with the deliverables.
  4. Social Media – The focus is to integrate you website and social media desires with your overall online strategy. 

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